A. Tick the correct option –
1. (a) LET
2. (c) FOR … NEXT
3. (a) FOR
4. (a) FOR
5. (b) DO UNTIL … LOOP
6. (d) GOSUB
B. Fill in the blanks –
1. Loop
2. For Next
3. Counter
4. Outer
6. FOR, DO
C. State True or False –
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
D. Answer the following questions
1. What is Loop? Name the looping statements used in QB64.
A loop is used to repeat a block of statement or statements.
FOR … NEXT, WHILE … WEND and DO … LOOP are three looping statements in QB64.
2. What is the use of step value in a FOR … NEXT loop?
By default the NEXT statement increases the value of the
control variable by 1, but we can increase or decrease the value as per our
choice using STEP statement.
3. What is the difference between DO WHILE … LOOP and DO
The DO WHILE … LOOP is executed as long as the specified
condition is TRUE while in DO UNTIL … LOOP, the execution of the loop continues
as long as the condition is FALSE.
4. Describe the term nested loop.
When the loops are used within another loop, this is known as
nested loops. This nested loops can be used any of the loop like for loop can
be used in while loop or while loop can be used in while loop, etc.
5. What is the function of GOSUB statement?
The function of GOSUB statement enables you to jump to any location
in the program. Labels are used to specify at what point in the program to
continue execution.
6. Give the significance of EXIT DO and EXIT FOR statement.
You can exit from a loop before it comes to an end on its
own, for this you have to use EXIT command. EXIT FOR is used in FOR LOOP
whereas EXIT DO is used in DO WHILE or DO UNTIL … LOOP.
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