B. Fill in the blanks -
C. True or False
D. Differentiate between –
1. Record and Field
The rows in a table are known as records. A record stores
complete information about an object or an item. The columns in a table are
known as fields or attributes. The fields contain only single type of data.
Every field has a data type that determines the type of values that can be
stored under it.
2. Number and Auto Number data type
The number data type accepts number type data whether it can
be an integer or a decimal number. The users have to manually input the data in
the fields. While Auto number data types are need not to be entered manually,
it automatically increment it value when the records are entered.
3. Text and
Memo data type
The text and memo data type both accepts same value from the
user but in text data type user can enter only 255 characters while in memo
user can enter lengthy text i.e. up to 65,536 characters.
4. Validation Rule and Validation Text
Validation rule is used to put conditions on the data that
can be entered in a field, while Validation Text is used to display the error
message when the validation rule gets violated.
E. Answer the following questions –
1. What do you understand by the term ‘table’? Name some
important components of a table.
A table is a database object, which is used to store data in
an organised manner. It consists of rows and columns. Some important components
of a table are Fields, Records and Primary Key.
2. What is a primary key? How do we set primary key in
A primary key is a type of field which represents the unique
value in a field. Primary key can be applied in only one field. We can set
primary key by following ways
Step 1 – Place the cursor on the field which you want to
make primary key.
Step 2 – Click on the Primary Key option in Tools group on
the Design Tab under Table Tools.
3. Explain two parts of Design View Window?
In design view of the table, you can enter the field names,
their data types and description. The design view window is divided into two
parts – Field grid panes and Field property pane.
Field grid pane – It is used for entering field names
and their data types. You can also give a description to the fields in this
pane. This description column is optional.
Filed property pane – This section is used to set
properties of the fields in the table.
4. How will you sort the data within a table?
To sort records, open the table in Datasheet View and follow
these steps:
Step 1 – Select the field which you want to sort.
Step 2 – Click on Ascending or Descending option in the Sort
& Filter group on the Home Tab.
5. What do you mean by data types?
Data types are the types of data which can be entered into
the field. Once the data type is defined for the fields we cannot enter
different data into it.
6. How will you insert a new filed within a table?
To insert a new field or column in a table, open the table
in design view and follow the below step:
Step 1 – Place the cursor on the field before you want to
insert a new filed.
Step 2 – Click on the insert rows option in the Tools group
on the Design tab under Table Tools.
Step 3 – A new row is
inserted. Now enter the field name, data type and properties for the new filed.
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