Types of DBMS
According to the structure the DBMS is divided into four categories:
1. Hierarchical Database
2. Network Database
3. Relational Database
4. Object-oriented Database
1. Hierarchical Database – In hierarchical database, records contain information about their groups of parent or child relationship just like as a tree. The structure implies that a record can have repeating information.
2. Network Database – A network databases are mainly used on large digital computers. A network database model is a database model that allows multiple records to be linked to the same owner file. The network database follows many to many relationship model, and because of many to many relationship model network database model can easily access any table record in the database. It is easier to navigate and search for information because of flexibility. It is suitable in complex data because of the multiple relationship founded among its data.
3. Relational Database – The relational database is a digital database on the relational model of data, as proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970. A software system used to maintain relational database is Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Virtually all RDBMS use SQL for querying and maintaining the database.
This model organizes data into one or more tables of columns and rows, with a unique key identifying each row. Rows are also called records or tuples. Columns are also called attributes. Generally, each table represents one "entity type" (such as customer or product). The rows represent instances of that type of entity (such as "P001" or "Mark") and the columns representing values attributed to that instance (such as Product number or Product name).
4. Object Oriented Database – An Object Oriented Database is a database management system in which information is represented in the form of objects as used in object oriented programming (OOP).
OODBMS is the combination of Relational Database and Object Oriented Programming (OOP). In OODBMS every entity is considered as class and every attribute of entity can be accessed by an object.
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