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Showing posts from October, 2020

Q & A Chapter 1 | Internet Basics | Class 10 CBSE | Computer Application

 Q & A of Chapter 1 Internet Basics A. Tick the correct options – 1. (b) TCP/IP 2. (a) Internet Service Provider 3. (a) URL 4. (b) HTTP 5. (a) Bridge 6. (a) home page 7. (d) All of these 8. (b) Domain Naming System 9. (b) Rules 10. (d) ARPANET B. Very Short Answer Type Questions – 1. In the URL , what do the following components depict? (a) http                                                 (b) in (a) Http represents a type of server and the protocol on the Internet (b) ‘in’ represents the domain extension of the website. 2. In the URL what does www.favmusic stand for? www.favmusic represents the domain name i.e. favmusic in www. 3. What does FTP stands for? FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. 4. Differentiate between webpage and home page. A webpage refers to an electronic page usually written in HTML. It may contain text, images, graphics or hyperlinks. Th