80 – 20 Principle By Richard Koch Vilfredo Pareto was an Italian economist who studies about the wealth distribution and income of England people back in 1895. In his research he found that only some persons holds the most part of the wealth in their hand, incase only 20% of the people was the lord of 80% wealth and land. After founding this weird statistics he further continued his research and found that this wealth distribution ratio was not only same in this timeline but it was same in another timeline also. In fact this wealth distribution is common in almost each and every part of the country. When he researched more on this principle then he found that this principle is not only working in wealth distribution but it was also working in almost every field. Like in his pea garden he found that 80% peas are obtained from the 20% of pea pod and then he further concluded this principle as 80-20 principle or Pareto principle. He concluded that this principle is applied almost...
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